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Produkte & Wartet
      Ekatalogprodukte & Wartet
      Kategori : Elektronikzubehör

    Stylish optical speed gate turnstile, speed lane turnstile gate, speed gate security turnstile flexbly intergates any type of access control device with dry contact output.

    Optical speed gate turnstile JDSG-18 provides standard (600mm) and wide (900mm) lane widths to meet different application requirements, and the height of tempered glass panels 1.0m, 1.2m or 1.8m are available to provide increasing levels of security as required. Operating in a fast, smooth, silent and reliable way, speed gate optical turnstile JDSG-18 offers an ideal contactless solution for access control and comfortable passage in an intense flow of people, avoiding queues at the entrance and exit. And optical speed gate turnstile JDSG-18 is widely used in upscale corporate lobbies, high rise building entrances, luxury apartment complexes, universities, and any else autonomous entry and aesthetics are important.

    1.Intuitive approach detection
    2. Slim tapered housing with ergonomic design and small footprint
    3. Precision controlled tempered glass obstacles
    4. In case of emergency the obstacles can be unlocked with a simple push to automatically open
    5. Electro-mechanical locking to withstand forced entry attempts
    6. Silent and smooth in operation
    7. Stylish and flexible design able to virtually blend infinite aesthetics within architectural interior needs
    8. Wider passages and higher obstacles
    9. Glass obstacles up to 1800mm without or with straight or sloping overhang
    10. Intelligent user guidance

    Upscale corporate lobbies,
    High rise building entrances
    Luxury apartment complexes
    Commercial office buildings
    Government agencies

    Housing Material: #304 stainless sheet
    Dimension:  1400 x 150 x 1000mm
    Power Supply:  AC220V / AC110V, 50/ 60 Hz
    Channel Width:  600~900mm
    Drive Motor: DC 24V brushless motor or servo motor
    Pass Speed: 35 ~45 persons per minute
    Input Interface:  Dry contact signal or +12V level signal or DC12V pulse signal
    Rotating Direction:  Bi-directional
    Communication interface:  RS485
    Gate open when power failure:  Yes
    Open Time:  0.2 second
    Life Cycle:  5 million times
    Working Temperature: -30°C~+70°C
    Working Environments: Indoor, outdoor (with shelter)
      Andere E Katalogprodukte & Wartet

    E-Katalog Dienst ist nicht tätig !!
    Dienst ist für GOLDENE Mitglieder nur !! !!

      Kontaktieren Sie Informationen
      9th Floor, Court Building, No.6, TianBa East Street, DeYuan Town, Pidu District, ChengDu, China   611730   Chengdu  / China
    Tel : +86-13548106515    Fax :        

    Url :
    E-mail :
    Kontaktieren Sie Person : Luke   Zhang   /  sales manager

Letzte Aktualisierung : 09.12.2022
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